Penelope Cruz is Dating Lenny Kravitz

Penelope Cruz is rumoured to be dating ladies man Lenny Kravitz.

(Wasn’t she dating John Hartnett five minutes ago? Hmm, must have been the eyebrows…)

Maybe it’s just me, but I really don’t see this couple “working”. Then again, I said that about Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise when they came out, and look what happened.

Here’s what Page Six says about the pair:

THE recent tryst in Turks and Caicos was just a quick getaway for Josh Hartnett and Penelope Cruz. Since the vacation, the two have been getting cozy with other celebs. Star magazine reported Penelope took her crew to Lenny Kravitz’s TriBeCa apartment after her April 28 birthday party at the Beatrice Inn. She’s since been postponing her shoots for European fashion line Mango to follow Kravitz, her longtime musician friend, on his tour, our sources said.

Lenny Kravitz is good looking in that whole grubby rocker kind of way that I used to love and (my mother hated) for a long time. Johnny Depp has that whole thing going for him, too. I don’t know how to explain it, other than just looking at Lenny makes me think that if I ever dated him, he would be bad for me — but in a good way.

I just don’t see him going for Penelope Cruz — but didn’t he have a thing with Nicole Kidman a while back? He must have a thing for Chanel models who used to hook up with Scientology-loving midgets.

Picture note by Celebitchy: Lenny Kravitz is shown on 12/04/06 at the NY Dreamgirls premiere and he’s not looking as hot as in my college-age dreams. Penelope Cruz is shown on 2/21/07 at the Global Green pre-Oscar party. Photos by Photorazzi.
